Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A little shameless self promotion...

The new issue of Montana Sporting Journal is hot off the presses.

This issue has some great fly fishing content with articles about Montana's bull trout, Yellowstone National Park, floating the Middle Fork of the Flathead, the Bitterroot River skwala hatch, a small stream photo essay and lots more. I even make an appearance with an article about a successful exploratory fly fishing trip to a remote river in MT.

If you'd like to check it out, call 800-559-4351 or email me and I'll get you hooked up with a free trial issue.


  1. Congrats Will! I will have to grab a copy when next I visit MT, hopefully soon!

  2. Hey, thanks man. While I only contribute to the magazine with the occasional feature article, my work can be found in every issue. I was actually one of the founders of the publication, and to this day I play a major role in its operation.

    I'd be happy to mail you a free copy if you think it's something you might be interested in subscribing to.

    You should get up to MT soon! When runoff starts to wane toward the end of this month, we're going to have some incredible fishing!

